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Pastor Marcus King Vaccine Information

Hello De Soto ISD, this is Pastor Marcus D. King of Disciple Central Community Church better known as DC3. I came today because I care about you, your community cares about you, and we want to make sure that you survive COVID. First thing I wanna let you know is the vaccine is safe. It has been tested, it's been tried, and has been used and has helped save so many lives. Second thing I want you to know, is COVID is serious, no matter what strand that has been discussed, COVID has still have record number of individuals in the hospital and many of them now on the rise are children your age. Thirdly, the reason I'm sharing this with you is because we want you to succeed in life. We want you to be able to be healthy, to make sure your family's healthy, to make sure that all of your teachers and those you around on day-to-day basis have an opportunity to be successful in life by being alive. In order to help you, here's some more information about COVID and COVID resources. God bless you.